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The Transplant Immunology Laboratory at KSL Diagnostics is a state-of-the-art histocompatibility and immunogenetics testing laboratory
The Laboratory provides HLA testing and consult services for:
Solid-organ transplant programs
Transfusion medicine services (platelet refractoriness workups)
By request, the Laboratory can also provide testing and consult services for:
Primary and specialist care (disease association and drug sensitivity testing)
Clinical trial and basic research
A list of our services is available via the requisition forms, and additional tests are also available to further characterize both HLA and non-HLA antibodies.
Please contact us at immunogenetics@ksldx.com for more information.
Sample Requirements:
See individual tests for specific sample requirements
Turnaround Time: Standard turnaround time is 2-5 days, dependent on test type. Stat testing available in 4 hours of receipt of sample for Deceased Donor Evaluation.
Storage: Room temperature
Stability: Blood samples are stable at ambient temperature, should be tested within 5 days of collection as specimen viability decreases with time. Tissue samples should be transported to laboratory immediately.
Transportation: Room temperature (do not freeze or fix)