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Test Code #


CPT Code(s) #

83516 x2

Test Name

IgA & IgG Deamidated Gliadin Antibody

If Profile, Includes Tests:


Disease Name:

GSE, Celiac Disease, Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Type of Study:

Serum Studies


Fluoroenzyme immunoassay (FEIA)



Reference Range:

• Negative < 7
• Equivocal 7-10
• Positive > 10


U/mL (Units/mL)


Assay performed once every week. Report availability is within one week from the time of specimen receipt

Specimen Requirements:

Collect 5-10 ml of blood in a red top or serum separator tube. If possible, separate serum from clot and place into red capped tube provided with Beutner Laboratories collection kits. If separation facilities are not available, the blood can be sent in the tube used for collection.

Sample Stability:

Sample is stable at ambient temperature during shipment. If sample is stored prior to shipment, it is stable refrigerated (2-8ºC) up to five days and frozen (-20ºC or lower) up to one year

Clinical Relevance:

The diagnosis of celiac disease (CD) is based on mucosal changes detected by duodenal biopsy and positive serological tests (anti-tTG antibodies, anti-endomysium antibodies (EmA), and deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) antibodies). Test for anti-deamidated peptides of gliadin (DGP) have replaced classic anti-native gliadin (AGA) tests. DGP IgG assays have a considerably higher diagnostic accuracy than AGA assays, and can replace anti-tTG tests in patients with selective IgA deficiency. The combination of IgG anti-DGP plus IgA anti-tTG assays show greater sensitivity than a single test, with very high specificity. IgG DGP are particularly useful in identifying CD in early childhood (age < 2 years). The reported sensitivity and specificity of Anti-Gliadin DP antibodies in celiac disease is 84.4% and 98.5%. The PPV and NPV have been reported as 98.2% and 86.8% respectively. However, the definitive diagnosis of CD should be based on clinical, molecular, and histopathological findings.

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